We're Hard Podcast Show



Non-Verbal Communication in Intimacy

In the realm of intimate relationships, words often take center stage in expressing feelings and building connections. However, the silent language of non-verbal communication holds an equally profound power to deepen intimacy without uttering a single word. This form of […]


Intimacy in Aging Couples

As couples age together, the nature of their intimacy often evolves, shaped by the changes and challenges that come with the later stages of life. While physical aspects of intimacy may transform, the emotional and spiritual connections can deepen, offering […]


Friendship with Exes: Is It Possible?

The transition from romantic partners to friends is a journey fraught with emotional complexities and profound self-discovery. For many, the idea of maintaining a friendship with an ex-partner is a contentious one, challenging our traditional notions of post-breakup dynamics. Yet, […]


The Introvert-Extrovert Pair in Love

When it comes to relationships, the pairing of an introvert with an extrovert can be a particular challenge, and whether opposites attract is always up for debate.. Understanding and leveraging the differences between introverted and extroverted partners can transform potential […]