We're Hard Podcast Show


When Should You Have Sex in a Relationship?

Sex is a big step for any relationship, and it’s not a good idea to rush into it. Unfortunately, just like saying “I love you”, it can be tricky to determine the correct time to take it to the next level. Every relationship is different. 

Why Does Timing Matter?

While it might seem like diving into sex is something worth rushing into, the timing will make a difference. The beginning of most relationships is the honeymoon phase. Here, the couple is intertwined and overwhelmed with love for each other. 

This feeling is excellent, but it typically doesn’t last. If sex happens too soon in a relationship, it can make it easy for lovers to confuse genuine feelings of love for lust. Sex too soon can lead to the downfall of a relationship. 

When is Sex Appropriate In a Relationship?

There are many different studies on when intercourse is appropriate in a relationship. Most seem to say at least a few months to a year, which is enough time to phase out of the Honeymoon phase before making a choice that will solidify feelings even more.

Ultimately, the right time for sex depends on the couple and what you decide together. If one person wants to rush into it but the other does not, do not push it. It’s never a good idea to force one person into doing something they do not.

Is Waiting Until Marriage Appropriate? 

Although there is a stigma behind the idea, waiting until marriage to have sex seems to have significant benefits in a relationship. It might be one of the best ways to approach intimacy if you’re serious about partner longevity.

Waiting until marriage offers the following to participants:

  • Better communication: Couples who waited were better able to speak with their partners about various topics regarding the present and future.
  • Less consideration of divorce: Many partners who waited didn’t consider divorce, making things much more positive. 
  • Higher satisfaction: Waiting until later for sex led to higher relationship and sexual intimacy satisfaction. 
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