We're Hard Podcast Show

First dates are like uncharted territory, and the right questions can lead to discovering shared interests and deeper connections. It can be daunting to think of conversation topics without going two deep – so here are two questions that tell you a lot about a person without prying.

Question 1: “What’s Your Favorite Place on Earth?”

Asking your date about their favorite place on Earth can unveil a treasure trove of stories and emotions. It’s a question that taps into their most cherished memories and experiences. Whether it’s a serene beach, a bustling city, or a remote mountain cabin, their choice reflects a part of their personality and what they find most captivating in the world.

This question not only invites your date to share the beauty of their favorite place but also provides an opportunity for you to connect. You might discover that you share a love for the same destination or have a mutual interest in exploring a similar type of place. Even if your favorite places differ, the passion and enthusiasm with which they describe theirs can be intriguing and offer a window into their sense of wonder.

Question 2: “Who Is the Person You Talk to the Most?”

This question tells you about your date’s social connections and their priorities in life. It’s a way to learn about the people who hold significance in their daily interactions. Whether it’s a best friend, a close family member, or a mentor, their answer provides insight into the relationships they value most.

Asking about the person they talk to the most can lead to discussions about their support system, shared experiences, and the role that different individuals play in their life. It also offers an opportunity to explore commonalities. If you both have close relationships with siblings, for example, it can become a relatable topic to discuss.

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