We're Hard Podcast Show


Should You Work Out at Home or in the Gym?

Staying fit is an important part of staying healthy. But with a packed schedule, it can be difficult to make it to the gym. Therefore, you may be wondering if it’s as effective to work out in your home gym as it is in a real gym.

We’ve found that there are pros and cons to working out in either location. Keep reading to learn whether or not you should work out at home or in the gym for the best fitness results. 

The Pros of Working Out at Home

1. You Can Work Out at Any Time

The great thing about working out at home is that your home gym doesn’t have operating hours–meaning you can work out at three in the morning or at eleven in the evening after you have finished your work for the day. This allows you to stick to a fitness routine, even on your busiest days.

2. No Cost

Generally, beyond the initial purchase of equipment, your home gym is free to use, so you really have no excuse not to use it.

3. No Other People

Public gyms can get crowded, and you may not be able to access the equipment you need for your routine. This is never a problem in your home gym, where you and your partner are the only customers. 

The Cons of Working Out at Home

1. Limited Equipment

As much as you wish you could have all the equipment in the gym at your home, it just isn’t possible. This can make it difficult to branch out your routines, as well as to work specific muscle groups. 

2. No Professional Help

At a public gym, if you need help using a particular piece of equipment, you can ask for help. Unfortunately, unless your partner also works at a public gym, this isn’t possible at home. 

3. No Social Interaction

Some individuals love the social interaction and the sense of community it brings them. Additionally, social pressure can really help you stay on a fitness routine. At home, you are the only one putting pressure on yourself.

Overall, whether or not you should work out at home will depend on your personal goals, as well as the equipment you have at your disposal. In general, it is usually best to work out in a public gym, but have home workout equipment to stay in shape during the especially busy times of the year. 

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