We're Hard Podcast Show

Intimacy is often associated with physical closeness and sexual activity, but true intimacy encompasses much more than what happens in the bedroom. Emotional, intellectual, and experiential intimacy can all be hugely impactful on a relationship.

Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy involves sharing your innermost feelings, thoughts, and experiences with your partner. It’s about being vulnerable and open, allowing your partner to see the real you.

Ways to build emotional intimacy include:

Daily Check-Ins: Spend time each day talking about your feelings and experiences.

Express Appreciation: Regularly tell your partner what you love and appreciate about them.

Share Personal Stories: Discuss your childhood, past experiences, and life goals.

Intellectual Intimacy

Intellectual intimacy is the connection that forms when you share ideas, values, and interests.

Ways to build intellectual intimacy:

Read Together: Choose a book to read and discuss together.

Take a Class: Enroll in a class or workshop on a topic that interests both of you.

Debate and Discuss: Have meaningful discussions about current events, philosophy, or personal beliefs.

Experiential Intimacy

Experiential intimacy is created through shared activities and experiences. Doing things together, whether it’s traveling, cooking, or pursuing a hobby, builds memories and a sense of partnership. These shared experiences create a unique bond and foster a sense of teamwork.

Ways to build experiential intimacy:

Travel: Plan trips and explore new places together.

Hobbies: Find a hobby you both enjoy and spend time doing it together.

Date Nights: Regularly plan special dates or activities to enjoy together.

Expanding your definition of intimacy beyond the bedroom can lead to a more enriched and connected relationship. You can try some of these ideas and determine which ones make you and your partner feel connected and safe, then turn them into rituals in the future. A combination of these, non-sexual physical intimacy, and sexual intimacy can lay the foundation for a loving and committed relationship.

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