We're Hard Podcast Show


How to Stay Fit When You’re on Vacation

Vacation is an infamous time for fitness lovers. It’s an excellent way to relax and indulge, but it often results in getting out of shape. Luckily, there are several tactics you can use to try to remain fit when you’re on vacation.

Advice for Fitness on Vacation

Try Unconventional Workout Methods

If you’re in a new place, it might be time to try more unconventional workout methods. You could find a walking path with exercise stations, a free class at a fitness studio you’ve never tried, or tagging along at your friend’s local gym.

A quick search online is usually an excellent way to find exercise tools and resources around you. You can find places to work out, but there might also be time to explore the area and find a spot for dinner or your next adventure.

Maintain Hydration

Many forget to hydrate while on vacation, especially if you’re staying in a hotel where you don’t feel comfortable drinking from the tap. Hydration is critical since you’ll lose more than usual through sweat and all the walking most people do on their trips. 

Dehydration can create a loss of fitness and form an unfortunate vacation experience. Not drinking enough water means headaches, cramps, tiredness, and more.

Don’t Overindulge

It’s always tempting to go crazy with food selections when on vacation. However, to remain fit, it’s best not to overindulge. Try to have some balance or limit yourself to sweet, alcoholic drinks or overly fatty foods at your meals. You may still enjoy them but don’t go too crazy.

Sleep Effectively

Sleep is huge in remaining fit. No matter what you’re out doing or how early you have to get up, try to maintain at least seven to eight hours of rest. Also, enough rest will provide the energy necessary to do everything you want to during your trip. 

Walk Everywhere

Finally, walk as much as possible. It can be easier to walk during vacation than any other time if you’re intentional, so we advise walking places whenever you can. It’s an excellent way to stay fit and enjoy the sites as much as possible. 

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