We're Hard Podcast Show


Can Men Get Away With Pattern Mixing?

Mixing and matching patterns in your outfit can be a bold and stylish choice if done right. However, it can also be a fashion faux pas if not executed with finesse. Here are two key tips for successfully combining patterns in men’s fashion.

Embrace Contrast in Scale and Size

One of the fundamental rules of pattern mixing is to ensure that the patterns you choose have contrasting scales and sizes. In other words, pair a larger pattern with a smaller one. For example, if you’re wearing a bold plaid blazer with large checks, balance it with a subtle micro-patterned shirt or tie. This contrast in scale creates visual interest without overwhelming the eye.

To get a sense of scale, look closely at the patterns. Larger patterns typically have elements that are more spaced out and easier to distinguish from a distance, while smaller patterns have intricate details packed closely together. By pairing patterns with different scales, you achieve a harmonious and balanced look.

Stick to a Unified Color Palette

Another crucial aspect of pattern mixing is coordinating colors. To avoid a chaotic or disjointed appearance, select patterns that share at least one common color. This shared color serves as a unifying element that ties the patterns together.

For example, if you’re wearing a striped dress shirt with navy and white stripes, consider pairing it with a tie featuring a subtle geometric pattern that includes navy as one of its colors. The shared navy color creates a cohesive look, making the patterns complement rather than clash with each other.

Additionally, you can use a neutral color as a backdrop to allow the patterns to shine. A solid-colored blazer or trousers in a neutral shade, such as gray, black, or beige, can provide a calm canvas for patterned shirts or accessories.

By following these two key tips, you can create stylish and visually appealing outfits that showcase your fashion-forward sensibility. 

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