Although there are some medical professionals who believe that it is possible to be “big yet fit,” other medical health specialists believe that this assertion about obesity is misleading.
According to the findings of recent research that was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, men who keep a “normal” weight are at a lower mortality risk than obese men who have a high level of aerobic fitness.
This is the case even when comparing the two groups with the same level of aerobic fitness.
The aerobic fitness of 1,317,713 men with an average age of 18 was evaluated as part of the study. The average age of the men was found to be 18.
They discovered that males who were in the top one-fifth of the aerobic fitness scale 29 years later had a risk of death from all causes that was 48% lower than those who were in the bottom one-fifth of the scale.
The second group is likewise more likely to have a member pass away as a result of suicide, substance addiction, or trauma than the first group.
In addition, men of normal weight who had a poor level of aerobic fitness nonetheless had a mortality risk that was thirty percent lower than that of obese men who were aerobically fit. This seems to provide support for the hypothesis that aerobic fitness does not mitigate the deleterious impacts of being overweight or obese.
The prevalence of obesity in the United States.
How severe is the problem of obesity in the United States, anyway?
Because there are around 78.6 million obese adults in this country, treating the health problems that are caused by obesity is very expensive. According to Medical News Today, the cost to the country due to obesity in 2008 was approximately $147 million.
The rates of obesity are highest among adults aged 40 to 59 years old, and the majority of cases can be attributed to some combination of excessive calorie consumption, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, and insufficient sleep, despite the fact that there are other potential causes.
For instance, stopping smoking and taking certain drugs both have the potential to cause weight gain. Consuming meals that interfere with lipid metabolism and genetics both have the potential to play a part in the development of this condition.
Dropping some pounds
Although eating well and getting regular exercise are without a doubt the healthiest ways to lose weight, some doctors may also recommend a short-term weight reduction tablet to assist control your appetite in addition to these methods.
Because not everyone can benefit from taking these pills, you and your physician will need to have a talk about whether or not you are a good candidate for the treatment.

I have been an ace certified personal trainer for over 15 years. Other certifications include kettlebells, TRX, battling ropes, Vpr, yoga fit, AFFA group fitness and more. I have two children who love the gym as much as I do.