We're Hard Podcast Show

Erectile dysfunction is a tricky item to deal with in a relationship, whether you’re the one experiencing it or the person on the other end. Although you might not want to, it can be helpful to discuss ED with your partner to make vital decisions moving forward. 

Who Is Impacted By ED?

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem that can impact any male at any age. However, it is mainly an issue for males who are 40 or older. 

Stress and issues with mental health can also create or worsen ED. Caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and more could also have an impact. ED comes from a complex mix of hormones, emotions, muscles, blood vessels, and more. 

Tips for Talking About ED With Your Partner

1. Lifestyle and Diet Changes

Consider researching and talking to your partner about various lifestyle and diet changes. For some people, small shifts will make a difference in how they feel, especially if they aren’t healthy. You can speak to them confidently about making small changes. 

The more you know, the easier it will be to help them. Educate yourself before speaking.

2. Speak on Their Value

It’s okay to talk about your feelings, but also ensure you remind them they are valued. It’s easy for a male to feel less desirable when they’re suffering. Speak about how you’ll go through it together and let them know this situation hasn’t changed anything about your love for them.

3. Adjust Lovemaking

If they are having trouble with ED, see if there are changes you can make in your sexual life so you both get pleasure, but there is less pressure on them to have an erection. The more relaxed they are, the easier it will be for them.

4. Encourage Doctor’s Visits

Have a positive influence on your partner and offer to go with them to the doctor’s office. Encourage them to be open and honest with their doctor when they do visit, revealing as much as possible to create effective medical and physical solutions. 

5. Remain Positive

Finally, ensure you remain positive. It’s easy for all involved parties to get discouraged, so one of the best things you can do is keep an upbeat attitude. It will make a world of difference to a discouraged partner. 

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