We're Hard Podcast Show


How to Talk About Sexual History with a New Partner

Discussing sexual history with a new partner can be a delicate and challenging conversation, but it can’t be put off. This discussion is not only important for you and your partner’s health, but also a step towards building trust, ensuring mutual understanding, and promoting a healthy relationship. Here are some tips on how to approach this sensitive topic.

Choose the Right Time and Place

Timing and setting are crucial when discussing sexual history. Choose a private and comfortable environment where both of you can speak openly without interruptions. Avoid bringing up the topic during moments of intimacy or when emotions are running high. Instead, find a calm and neutral time when you can have an honest and respectful conversation.

Be Honest and Respectful

Honesty is key when discussing your sexual history. Share relevant information about your past relationships, experiences, and any sexually transmitted infections (STIs) you may have had. Be truthful without oversharing details that might make your partner uncomfortable.

It is equally important to listen to your partner’s history with an open mind and without judgment. Respect their experiences and feelings, and avoid making negative comments or assumptions.

Establish Boundaries and Expectations

Use this opportunity to establish boundaries and expectations for your sexual relationship. Discuss what you are both comfortable with and any limits you may have. Setting clear boundaries helps to ensure that both partners feel safe and respected.

Additionally, talk about your expectations regarding monogamy, protection methods, and communication about any future sexual health concerns.

Never Skip the Conversation

Talking about sexual history with a new partner is a crucial step in building a trusting and healthy relationship. Open communication about sexual history fosters trust and understanding, laying the foundation for a strong and healthy partnership in the future.

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