We're Hard Podcast Show

Men have long been known to lack grooming routines, with jokes popping up that they don’t care about their appearance. This is far from the truth, however, as many men want to appear well-groomed but aren’t sure what to focus on to make it happen.

Whether you are short on time or funds, below are three grooming tips men should focus on to keep them looking their best! 

Tip 1: Wash Your Face

Daily face washing isn’t just for women, and despite popular belief, not washing your face can cause the same issues in men as it does in women. Washing your face each night before bed washes away dirt and grime and keeps oils that cause acne at bay. 

If you want to go the extra mile, consider a daily moisturizer, which includes sunscreen, to protect your skin from aging caused by the sun’s rays.

Tip 2: Manscape

Many men believe there is no need for them to trim their body hair, especially the parts of the body that are beneath the clothes. We hate to say it, but some body-manscaping is necessary to maintain a groomed appearance.

The extent to which you manscape is up to you, but it should include enough trimming that hair doesn’t peek out from the collar of your shirt or your armpits when wearing a t-shirt. 

Tip 3: Dental Hygiene

No woman wants to kiss a man who hasn’t brushed their teeth. Ensure that twice daily toothbrushing and once daily flossing is a part of your routine. Also, prioritize regular dental check-ups, which can catch health-altering conditions before they become serious. 

If you follow these three tips, you can rest assured that your body will remain well-groomed for years to come, even if you need to skip the barber from time to time. Remember, a well-groomed appearance is essential when dating, as women think more highly of a man who appears to take care of his body and health.

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