We're Hard Podcast Show


Reasons Not to Get Back Together With Your Ex

Sometimes, you hear stories of people getting back together with their exes and starting afresh with their significant other. That works for some, but for others, there are some reasons why getting back together with your ex is a terrible idea. 

Why Do People Gravitate To Their Exes?

One of the biggest reasons people gravitate towards their exes and desire to get back together with them is familiarity. You are familiar with what you once had, and the human mind doesn’t like being away from what is comfortable. You feel like you know them. Unfortunately, this urge can lead others into unhealthy situations. 

Reasons to Avoid Rekindling a Romance With Your Ex

1. Lust Rather Than Love

There is a difference between lust and love. If you’re in a relationship based on lust, at least one of the partners is participating in the physical relationship. Unfortunately, lust can be superficial and unsustainable.

Love is genuine and much deeper than lust, extending beyond the superficial nature of lust. Evaluate the core of your relationship with your ex to make the best decision. 

2. No Friendship

Maybe you’re always with your ex but aren’t friends with them. Do you enjoy doing activities together? Can you share everything with them, from silly inside jokes to some of your deepest struggles? If you aren’t friends with your ex, even after breaking up, it isn’t worth rekindling.

3. No Future With Them

Can you picture a future with this person? A family? Sharing a home? If you can’t imagine some of the possible moments in life with them, there’s little point in continuing your relationship.  

4. Backsliding

When some people are around their exes, it leads them to backslide into old, unhealthy habits. If you become a worse version of yourself whenever you spend time with your ex, avoid them. 

5. Infidelity 

Another reason to carefully consider abiding a rekindling of a relationship with your former partner is infidelity. While it’s possible to reunite after them being unfaithful, it’s not the best idea, especially if they haven’t shown any signs of change.

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