We're Hard Podcast Show

Navigating relationships on their own is difficult enough – but when you throw in in-laws and extended family, it gets even more complicated. Unfortunately, they can sometimes cause strife in your relationship. Building positive relationships with your partner’s family (and vice-versa) can enhance your bond and create a supportive environment – but how do you do that?

The Importance of Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship anyone, including in-laws. Discuss with your partner what boundaries are important for both of you and communicate these to your extended family. This might include how often you visit, the level of involvement in your personal decisions, or privacy in your home. Respectfully but firmly establishing these boundaries can ensure everyone is on the same page going forward.

Communicate Openly and Often

Open and honest communication is key to resolving any issues that may arise with in-laws and extended family. If you have any issues come up, you should address them calmly and directly to avoid letting small issues fester into bigger problems. Discuss your feelings with your partner first to ensure you are on the same page, and then approach the situation together.

Support Your Partner

Supporting your partner in their relationship with their family is crucial – whatever they want that to look like. Encourage them to spend time with their family and be there for important events. If there is a conflict, avoid taking sides and instead, focus on finding a solution together. Your partner will appreciate your support, and it will help create a united front when dealing with any family-related issues.

Handling in-laws and extended family requires patience, respect, and clear communication. While it may not always feel possible, you can build harmonious and positive relationships with your extended family, and even improve your own relationship in the process.

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