We're Hard Podcast Show

We’ve all been in the dating pool at one time or another and we all know it can be rough. We’re going to teach you what not to do to make it a little less painful. We know it can be a zoo out there, so use these tips to make the most of your time as a sexy single so pay attention!

First be yourself. It is so important to represent yourself as you are. If you start off as a fake person you are eventually going to break. Learn to love who you are and shine bright like a diamond baby!

Never get too attached to people you barely know. We understand it can be fun and blinding when we meet someone we like, and they seem great! But do not allow yourself to get too attached before you even know them. Watch for red flags and keep your wits about you. 

Don’t come on too strong. Ease into your date and allow yourself time to figure out if you even like them. Be cautious and try not to get too caught up in the whirlwind or love bombing. 

We all know what we want and what we don’t want in a partner, but we also know no one is perfect! So don’t be too rigid in what you’re looking for. We often find our partners in people we least expect. 

Slow down, there is no rush! So, take it slowly and let time take you where it wants to go. Rushing into things often leads us into ignoring red flags, which then ends us in a relationship we are unhappy in.

Be cautious of what you are posting online. When you are dating people will be looking at your social media. Don’t over share or post where you are all the time. Be safe and be careful.

Set boundaries right away and communicate them. It is very hard to reestablish these once you are dating someone. So be sure you communicate what is ok and what is not ok with you. This can be a hard one, but it’s so important. Communicate your needs, be up front and don’t get attached to people you barely know. If you see red flags or your date is not on the same page as you on important subjects, it probably won’t work out.

Again, do not ignore red flags. Your instincts are telling you something is off. LISTEN and move on or run far away!

Try not to overthink every little thing. If they don’t text back right away give them the benefit of the doubt. Try to relax and let the relationship progress. You cannot control everything, and things may not always go as planned. So, take a deep breath and relax.

Listen up! This one may be a tough pill to swallow, but if they are not that into you, stop putting in the effort and move on! Don’t waste your time with someone who is not putting in the time for you. 

Make your dates fun! DO an activity like bowling, golf or a hike. This will allow you both to be playful while still getting to know one another. You will have a more meaningful experience as well. 

If you are looking for a relationship, sign up for at least one online dating option, ask friends and family to set you up, and be social; go out often and chat it up. 

For more tips on dating and relationship advice listen to We’re Hard wherever you get your podcasts

Now go out there and have fun but remember these tips!

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