We're Hard Podcast Show


5 Benefits of Running That You Will Notice Immediately

The benefits of running almost happen in an instant. Although you will not instantly feel physically fitter, the mental advantages are present right away such as your attention span becoming better, you’ll feel a boost in your energy, and a lighter and calmer mood.

These benefits that are based on evidence are achieved after a few laps around the park or a quick run around the block.

1. You will instantly feel happier

Running keeps your mind off things. A few miles is enough to lift your mood as effectively as an antidepressant. Running makes you not think about anything else. That’s why a lot of people tend to take laps whenever they feel stressed or unhappy.

2. It burns calories and boosts metabolism

The calories you burn depend on your pace, your weight, and how long you run. Thirty minutes could burn from 200-500 calories. But as a general rule, you’re expected to burn 100 calories per mile.

3. It will increase your attention span

Take a trip around the park if you’re struggling to focus on anything you set your mind to. With just 12 minutes of exercise, your attention span and reading comprehension improve, as Dartmouth college researchers suggested.

4. It will relieve your stress

Twenty minutes of running is sufficient to mitigate work deadlines. Asics conducted a study via Kings College London that shows amateur runners experienced a 29% increase in their capability to handle stress and
experienced an 18% improvement in relaxation levels.

5. It will enjoy a less restless night’s sleep

Exercising in the morning improves your sleep at night. Research shows that running helps not only in making you sleep faster, but also helps you enjoy a less restless night’s sleep. Endurance performance in the morning also helps in having longer sleep at night.

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