We're Hard Podcast Show

Your doctor will review the signs and symptoms in order to diagnose your condition. Included in this will be a physical examination.

There are several ways to figure out the severity of your snoring. The doctor will ask your family, your partner, or other people close to you some questions regarding how and when you snore. This is done to help assess the seriousness of the problem.

In order to treat your snoring, the primary recommendation of your doctor will be lifestyle changes and these are as follows:

1. Try to lose weight

Extra tissues may form on the throat of overweight people and this contributes to snoring. Try to lose weight and this will help in reducing your snoring.

2. Raise the head on your bed

Raising the head on your bed may help. Place it at around 4 inches and this should help.

3. Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake

Quitting smoking not only helps in reducing your snoring but it also has other kinds of health benefits.

Don’t drink alcohol two hours before bedtime, or better yet, quit drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol
depresses your central nervous system and this causes uncontrolled relaxation of your muscles including muscle tissues in your throat.

4. Try sleeping on your side

Your tongue automatically falls back when you are lying on your back. This causes your airway to narrow and it partly obstructs your airflow. If you always find yourself lying on your back in the middle of the night try putting something in the back of your pajamas.

5. Get enough sleep

The recommended hours of sleep for adults is 6 to 7 hours. Sleeping time for children varies depending on their age. Teens should have at least 8 and a maximum of 10 hours of sleep per day. School-age children must have 9 to 12 hours a day. And preschool children should get at least 10 to 13 hours a day.

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