We're Hard Podcast Show

When it comes to health, men are more prone to chronic health conditions compared to women. Men experience health conditions earlier because of biological reasons, different lifestyles, and social aspects. These include stress, smoking, substance abuse, alcohol, lack of exercise, and poor diet.

  1. Obesity

Obesity increases your chances of having coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, hypertension, respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, and breast, colon, and prostate cancers.

  1. Mental health/ depression

Mental health conditions such as dementia and depression can highly affect men more than women. Unlike the common misconception, dementia is not part of or caused by aging. Dementia can be caused by a number of reasons like diabetes, infection, reactions to medication, nutritional imbalance, renal failure, and vision and hearing problems. 

6 million men suffer from depression every year. Getting professional help, keeping a journal, and doing physical work out can help manage depression.

  1. Diabetes

More than 13 million men are recorded to suffer from diabetes. If left untreated, diabetes can cause stroke and heart disease, kidney damage, vision problems, and nerve damage. Diabetes has two types and they have few similar symptoms. These symptoms are fatigue, cuts that don’t heal properly, blurred vision, feeling hungry and thirsty, and recurring urination.

  1. Heart disease

The 2013-2016 report from the American Heart Association suggests that 51.2% of men with aged 20 and higher have some type of cardiovascular disease. The risk factors for acquiring cardiovascular disease may vary depending on your physical activity, cholesterol level, diet, and smoking habits. Avoiding stress, working out, having a healthy diet, and scheduling visits to your doctor can help avoid heart disease.

  1. Unintentional injuries

Unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death in the United States. One in every three men, age 65 years and above, suffers from a fall each year. Other accidents include fire, earthquakes, and car accidents.

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